Renal Cell Live!

Friday, November 21, 2008

How Low Can It Go?

Oh, I know it can get colder than it is today, and that it will get colder before spring comes again. But there's an Alberta clipper brushing past, weak sunshine, and it feels more like January than November. Jezebel hasn't ventured out of the barn yet today; when I went out to feed her she came stretching out from the straw bale burrow, and looked to be headed back there immmediately after eating. Can't say that I blame her - my taste of "outside" was sufficient for the day.

Last week we went back to Cleveland, and all the results are now in. The radiology reports were mixed again for abdomen and pelvic, and stable for the chest. Dr. G believes that the "mixed" results are from necrosis of tumor tissue, which has a different density than active tumor tissue. There was no overall increase in disease state. I had a slight elevation in liver enzyme levels and my hemoglobin levels were below 11 for the first time in a long time. So we'll be keeping the usual watch on these indicators at OSU for the next couple of months, and I'll go back to Cleveland in another 3 months.

I wonder if my hemoglobin levels will pitch low enough that I'll need Aranesp again, or if we're just at another plateau? This will be the first time the question has come up for me in over a year. I haven't seen much in the news lately on insurance coverage for Aranesp. I don't want to find out that I'm not covered after the fact ... guess I'll get started looking in advance.

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