Renal Cell Live!

Sunday, July 15, 2007

The Cost of War

Some months ago, the New York Times published a cost breakdown of the Iraq war, with details on "what this money would buy." I am always skeptical of such "what-if" proposals; one must accept on face that the funds expended for one cause would be appropriated equally enthusiastically for other causes. Given the legislative paralysis exhibited recently in our fair capitol, I doubt that the yammerers would be happy to provide money, say, for education or healthcare or disaster relief or poverty; all laudable social issues, all fraught with emotions and subject to hot button responses on too many levels. Can you imagine the "my Preznit right or wrong" supporters voting to spend money on social issues? Not bloody likely, I'd say.

However unlikely the tit-for-tat spending scenario might be, it is certain that we're facing a real squeeze on budgets coming up. It will take a long time for us to see how definitively this will affect life as we know it. But the hints are there.

For example, the budget for the National Institutes of Health will be affected as will all others. The NIH budget provides for the National Cancer Institute. The NCI budget for 2009 will be frozen at 2004 levels. We can start expecting cutbacks in research and program support. For some people, I don't suppose this is earth-shattering news. But just try to name an acquaintance whose life hasn't been touched by cancer in some way - I haven't been able to think of anyone.

"Heck of a job, Bushie."

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