Renal Cell Live!

Monday, July 24, 2006

Things you find while cleaning

Me at 19 months, 1954
Gosh, I thought I'd lost this picture. This is me, aged about 19 months, walking down the sidewalk in front of the family home. I'm wearing a diaper, my grandfather's bathrobe, and my Easter bonnet. The next photo (which I will not post!) shows me in full wail. Guess I wanted to be picked up. I had a great fondness for hats at an early age, clearly.

I rediscovered a dress that my mother made for her first dance date with my father, circa 1942; a cache of Folkwear patterns; my collection of irreverent buttons collected and worn at a former job (one of my favorites: "I've had fun before. This isn't it." I wore that while we cleaned.) Plus, in the words from every author's foreword, "too numerous to mention" - treasures, junk, memories, laughs.

It's 3:30 a.m., or so, here and I seem to be wide awake despite 5 mg Ambien. I don't like to take any more pills than necessary but Ambien and Dilaudid have been necessities this past week. But I'll manage through the day with a nap or two, and see if I can't sleep come bedtime, without the Ambien. If not, I'll take one - what's one more, when one is taking 16 pills daily anyway?



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