Renal Cell Live!

Monday, February 08, 2010

Digging Out, Redux

Our snow removal buddy JR spent an hour and a half yesterday digging out our lane. I suppose we are lucky; we only got 18" of snow and we didn't have to go anywhere urgently, so it was no big deal that we were snowed in for 3 nights and 2 days. Snow drifted to about 4 feet along the lane and, as the wind had shifted several times, it was thoroughly plugged. JR was here 4 times over the weekend just "keeping ahead" until the wind stopped.

Hoarfrost in our west fencerow, 3/8/10This morning we were treated to a thick coating of hoarfrost, caused when water vapor sublimates on very cold surfaces; e.g., as last night, when heavy fog in the air met the surface of everything exposed to the subzero temperatures we had. It's beautiful and seldom lasts long; we've seen it quite a bit this year. If I could see the northern lights as well this winter I'd be happy!

Not to say that I'm not happy, of course - I am. Things continue well, in my opinion, and we'll head to Cleveland tomorrow for tests on Wednesday to see how things are going. I'm always edgy while waiting for the test results to come back, but have no symptoms to suggest that anything has changed drastically.

Oh - we're due for more snow tomorrow, possibly as much as 6". JR has already agreed to come back on Wednesday before we get home to dig out again, if necessary. We're very glad to know him!



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