Renal Cell Live!

Thursday, November 08, 2007

I've been picked!

I've never been asked to do a blog meme, but yarmando picked me to "open the book you’re currently reading to page 161 and read the fifth sentence on the page, then think of 5 bloggers to tag."

I'm reading several at the moment so I picked up the closest one that wasn't a cookbook: Owen Gingerich, The Book Nobody Read: Chasing the Revolutions of Nicolaus Copernicus.

"I explained to my hosts that in addition to trying to figure out what to do about the faulty facsimile, I hoped to explore the Wittenberg University archive."

Long ago at Indiana University, I was privileged to take Analytical Bibliography, taught by the fabulous Josiah Quincy Bennett at the Lilly Library. My first professional job was in a rare books and manuscripts repository. I decided to move on from that, but am still easily seduced by books about books. This one is a challenge to Arthur Koestler's claim (in The Sleepwalkers, 1959) that nobody read Cupernicus's De revolutionibus. The author tracked down 600 extant copies of first- and second-edition to see the annotations.

So who do I tag? I don't know many bloggers and I doubt many of the ones I know read my blog. Yarmando, I'm borrowing a couple of your friends, whose blogs I read, dammit. That'll get me a few.
1. Swanknitter
2. Micah
3. Matt



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