Renal Cell Live!

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Thanks for What?

We all have things in our lives that are untidy, or unpleasant, or unplanned. I can think of several things of the "woulda/coulda/shoulda" variety that might have made my life turn out differently. But, I can look at them positively too.

- I got married the first time at 21 and knew 6 months into it that this was probably a mistake. We still stuck it out together for 10 years. I learned a lot about myself; I acquired patience; I think I got stronger. I don't know what the ex is doing and haven't known for 23 years. I can hope that his life turned out as happily as mine has.

- I didn't see eye-to-eye with my boss at my first professional job. I hadn't realized how bad it was until he presented me with a no-increase salary renewal. In public. With a smile. I was motivated to get out of what had become a rut, try new things professionally, and move on with my life. I got to develop new skills and grow with, rather than away from, my profession.

- I developed renal cell. Yep, that sucks. In the meantime I have gotten closer to my friends and family, I treasure my time here, and I think everything I do is worth doing.

So Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!



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