Renal Cell Live!

Tuesday, April 06, 2010

First Day

We went to Cleveland for appointments on Friday - benchmark scans and a general check on my health and well-being. And, because I was still dealing with edema in my lower legs and feet, I had ultrasound exams on both legs. Our results were good: scans were stable and lab results were generally in good shape, though my hemoglobin levels are down to 8.7 from 11.4 at the last set of labs. The ultrasounds were added to the mix late in the day, so we didn't have final results when we left. By the end of the day I had my first 30-day supply of Votrient with instructions to begin on Monday if all the test results were good.

I spent much of the weekend stewing about the possibilities: side effects, my body's weaknesses and strengths, warning signs, and the like. Even though I had come to a decision, that decision once made must still be lived with. Without data to fold into the equation, one's mind becomes the hamster, endlessly chasing the "what if"s through the night on the treadmill of the unknown.

I did query my friend Bruce who started on Votrient about 3 weeks ago; we've gone through Sutent and Nexavar together, with some of the same reactions to the same drugs. I was reassured to hear from him that it's gone well; I can't tell you how much that calmed my fears.

Monday I saw my primary care physician Dr. MC to reassess my current maintenance meds; we changed out one blood pressure med for another, and reconfirmed my use of a diuretic to continue fighting the edema. Then I called Dr. G's office; Nurse Shari and I traded phone calls for a while until we finally talked together in late afternoon. The ultrasounds showed no blood clots so I was given the go-ahead to start on Votrient today.

I took a full dose, 800 mg, at 10:30 this morning. The day passed relatively normally (a meeting, lunch, and a lecture tonight) and I'm feeling relieved. So far so good; no immediate negative response, no big red flags. I'll be watching things closely, monitoring my blood pressure and looking for signs of trouble. Keeping fingers crossed - would love to have a med without side effects! What a concept!

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