Renal Cell Live!

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Out of the Mouths of Babes

Harry's tatendix
I've mentioned before that Saint H works in a child care center at OSU. Friday he got a packet from the office containing get-well cards and drawings from the kids.

The teacher added Jamie's explanations to her drawing: "The doctor cutting out Harry's tatendix", on the left, is wearing a "mask". Saint H is smiling on the table: "These are the straps. They strap his legs down so he can't move them when the doctors cut him." The nurse, at the right, wears a "stethoscope" and carries an "otoscope". She says, "Don't touch his intestines, they have stuff on them." She has 2 boxes of stickers. To the nurse's left, "Jamie visiting Harry" says "OK". To the nurse's right, another one of the kids, Enrique, is also visiting.

I laugh every time I see it, especially for the wisdom of the intestines "stuff." Saint H laughs too, albeit rather gingerly.

Many of the kids' parents are on the OSU medical staff, so I wouldn't doubt but what "stethoscope" and "otoscope" fall into Jamie's vocabulary.

The doctor must have been pretty good - I didn't see any strap marks.

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